
Sampernandu Pampanga’s capital celebrates its city fiesta today! Happy Fiesta Fernandinos! SAMPERNÁNDU • (suhm-pehr-NAHN-doo)informal/colloquial pronunciation & spelling of SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga’s capital, and 2nd largest city. Known as the Christmas Capital of the Philippines and Home of the Giant Lanterns.

Sabat Santacruzan

The Kapampángan Santacruzan: SABAT SANTACRÚZAN The Kapampangan version of the Santacruzan is different in that the procession is halted several times by costumed actors who challenge the Reina Elena in a poetic joust and engage her troop in a swordfight derived from the theater form called moro-moro, hence the name “Sabat Santacruzan” with the word … Read more


Batalya/Batalla The May fiestas & Santacrúzan in Southern Kapampángan towns are associated with wild festive rituals to saints that originate from battle hymns between the native Kapampángan Muslims and Christians at the start of colonial rule! BATÁLYA / BATÁLLA • (buh-TAH-lyuh)a Kapampángan ethno-Catholic ritual originating from war hymns between the remaining native Kapampángan Muslims and … Read more


Reyna Many roles in the Santacrúzan pageant bear the title of “queen” in them. The most beautiful girl or most important matron in the Santacruzan pageant is awarded the role of Queen Helena (Reina Elena) herself, who bears the crucifix in her arms as the symbol of the finding of the True Cross. How do … Read more


Sigariliu It was World No Tobacco Day yesterday which aims to raise awareness of the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use. How do you say “cigarette” in your language? SIGARÍLIU • (si-guh-REE-lyoo)cigaretteTagálog (Filipino): sigarílyo EtymologyFrom Spanish cigarrillo “cigarette” Derived WordPÁMANIGARÍLIU • (PAH-muh-ni-guh-REE-lyoo)cigarette smokingTagálog (Filipino): panínigarílyo Verb Conjugationmanigaríliu, mánigaríliu, ménigaríliu – to smoke cigarettes (Actor … Read more