Bye, summer & hello, rainy season! According to the PAGASA, the country’s weather agency, the Philippines’ rainy season has officially started. The rainy season in the Philippines usually lasts from late May/June to around October/November.
URAN • (oo-RUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): ulán
Derived Words
KÁURAN • (KAH-oo-ruhn)
rainy season
Tagálog (Filipino): tag-ulán
In the Philippines, the rainy season runs from late May/June to around October/November.
MURAN • (moo-RUHN)
to rain
Tagálog (Filipino): umulán
MAURAN • (muh-oo-RUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): maulán
Verb conjugation:
muran, múmuran, minuran – to rain (Stative / Actor Focus)
miyuránan, miyuyuránan, míyuránan – to get rained on (Object Focus)
Example sentence:
Alang tuknang ing uran. [Kap]
Waláng tígil ang ulán. [Tag]
The rain is non-stop. [Eng]
alâ = wala = no, none
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