Ayuntamiento de Manila

The Ayuntamiento was the seat of the Manila City Council, which consisted of 2 alcaldes (city leaders), eight oidores (judges), a clerk, and a chief constable. Destroyed in WWII and reconstructed thereafter, the building now houses the Bureau of the Treasury.

ayuntamiento de manila
Ayuntamiento de Manila | Image Credit | Intramuros

Ayuntamiento de Manila is in the corner of Aduana and Cabildo Streets in Intramuros.


Its first historical marker, captured in this photo from the USS Lexington Albums, narrated the structure’s history up to the American period. A new marker, installed in 2021, completely narrates the events following the end of the Second World War.

Cornerstone laid January 31, 1735 in the administration of Governor Ferrando Valdes Tamon. Destroyed by earthquake June 3, 1863. Present building designed by Eduardo Lopez Navarro. Began May 2, 1879. Seat of City Administration in Spanish times and of Insular administration in American times.


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