Let It Grow Online Photo Contest
DENR-EMB CALABARZON Region invites you to join Let It Grow Online Photo Contest.
As we celebrate Philippine Environment Month this June 2020, Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Region 4-A invites you to help heal nature as one by planting and growing your own seedlings at home. Document the growth of your plants by taking photos of them daily from day one until June 30, 2020.
Champion: Php 10,000
2nd: Php 8,000
3rd: Php 6,000
4th: Php 4,000
5th: Php 2,000
5 Consolation Prize of Php 1,000
Inspired by EMB Cordillera Region’s search for a sustainable and friendly home garden and EMB-Regions 5’s Plant and Flaunt.
Please send your entries to emb.calabarzon@gmail.com.
Open nationwide. No age limit.
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