June is Philippine Environment Month.
The Philippines joined World Environment Day, on June 5.
This year’s Philippine Environment Month message is
Beat Plastic pollution, If you can’t reuse it, refuse it!
This World Environment Day, join the campaign to end single-use plastics and beat plastic pollution.

As the Philippines joins the global celebration of World Environment Day, everyone is encouraged to do something to prevent plastic pollution. A small action when done together counts a lot to help.
You can do the following
- Carry a refillable water bottle
- Pick up any plastic you see when you’re out walking
- Refuse plastic cutlery and straws
- Tell your local officials that you support a ban on single-use plastic bags
- Use a customized bag to avoid using so many plastic bags
The reasons why plastic straws suck are
- They harm marine wildlife and ecosystems
- They expose us to unhealthy toxic chemicals
- We use it for a minute but it will be here for centuries and it piles up daily
Here are 3 ways you can stop sucking plastics and thereby help the environment:
- Skip the straw and sip your drink
- Switch to reusable steel glass or bamboo straws
- Use paper straws instead
Remember that compostable or biodegradable plastics do not break down safely in ocean conditions.
A polluted environment harms our children. More than 1 in 4 deaths of children 5 years of age are attributable to unhealthy environments.
Each year, according to the World Health Organization, 1.7 million deaths of children
under 5 are linked to the environment.
- 570,000 deaths are attributable to respiratory infections including pneumonia
- 360,000 deaths are attributable to diarrhea
- 270,000 deaths are attributable to neonatal conditions including prematurity
- 200,00 deaths are attributable to unintentional injuries such as burns and drowning
- 200,000 deaths are attributable to malaria
Reducing the environmental risks could prevent a quarter of these deaths.