Mount Mayon Volcano Eruption 1928
Dr. Leopoldo A. Faustino wrote a descriptive account of the 1928 Mayon eruption that was published in the Philippine Journal of Science in September 1929. He went to Albay to observe the 1928 Mayon Volcano upon the request of Albay Governor Mariano Locsin.
Here’s a summary of Mayon’s volcanic activities during that time:
“The 1928 eruption of Mayon Volcano was its awakening from its 28-year inactivity. Steam vapor started springing from the volcanic mouth in early January 1928. Then, in June of the same year, Albay residents reported their observations of seeing “vapors assumed greater proportions” and “a glow at the summit of the volcano”. Dr. Faustino wrote that at 6:40 PM, 27 June 1928, the crater was filled with lava with some starting to flow on the slope. Explosions were faintly heard while a huge cloud of steam emerged on top of the volcano and went to a barrio in Bigaa, Legazpi. This caused loud panic among the locals. On 20 July, the volcano showed “a spectacular display of incandescent materials, bombs, and lapilli…, streams of red-hot rock materials flowing,” which made the people in “nervous fear”. Mayon Volcano finally rested on 23 July 1928.” (Gopilan)
If you are curious about the different types of eruptions featuring Mayon, visit Gallery one (1) titled, From Mantle to Surface, at the NMP-Bicol.
Admission is free!
Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Busay, Daraga, Albay (bit.ly/nmbrmsomap)
Photoart Studio Legaspi
Faustino, Leopoldo. “Mayon Volcano and its eruptions.” Philippine Journal of Science (1929): 1-56.
Gopilan, David Matthew C. “Recorded Eruptions of Mayon and Taal Volcanoes from the Philippine Journal of Science.” Philippine Journal of Science (2020): x-xi.
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