San Ignacio Church

san ignacio church
San Ignacio Church | Renacimiento Manila (@rebirth.manila) | Powerpoint Art by Diego Torres @egong.von


Second-home of the Jesuit Order when they returned to the Philippines in 1859. Competed in 1889, the church was a Neoclassical masterpiece. Its interior was decorated by exquisite and ornate woodwork executed by the master artisan Isabelo Tampingco, Jr.

The church was torched by Japanese troops in 1945. The ruins were used as an office before being abandoned. The Mission House was rebuilt in 2019 and opened as the Museo de Intramuros. The church itself is being reconstructed to be part of the Museo de Intramuros containing the vast collection of ecclesiastical art of the Intramuros Administration.

What exhibits inside the Museo de Intramuros caught your attention the most? Comment down below 🙂

Powerpoint Art by Diego Torres @egong.von

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