It was World No Tobacco Day yesterday which aims to raise awareness of the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use. How do you say “cigarette” in your language?
SIGARÍLIU • (si-guh-REE-lyoo)
Tagálog (Filipino): sigarílyo
From Spanish cigarrillo “cigarette”
Derived Word
PÁMANIGARÍLIU • (PAH-muh-ni-guh-REE-lyoo)
cigarette smoking
Tagálog (Filipino): panínigarílyo
Verb Conjugation
manigaríliu, mánigaríliu, ménigaríliu – to smoke cigarettes (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Alí ya masanting kéka ing pámanigaríliu. [Kap]
Hindî magandá sa’yo ang panínigarílyo. [Tag]
Cigarette smoking is not good for you. [Eng]
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