What are Important Cultural Properties (ICPs) and what privileges are attached to them? Which agency is responsible for presumed ICPs? Learn more below!
What are important cultural properties (ICPs)?
These are cultural properties having exceptional cultural, artistic, and historical significance to the Philippines.

Which agency is responsible for presumed important cultural properties?
- NCCA (National Commission for Culture and the Arts) – Works by national Artists; Works by a Manlilikha ng Bayan.
- NMP (National Museum of the Philippines – Archaeological and traditional ethnographic materials
- NHCP (National Historical Commission of the Philippines) – Works of National Heroes; Marked Structures; Structures dating at least 50 years old.
- NAP (National Archives of the Philippines) – Archival material/document dating at least 50 years old.

What are the privileges attached to ICPs?
The privileges of declared important cultural properties (ICPs) are the following:
- Priority government funding for protection, conservation, and restoration;
- Incentive for private support of conservation and restoration through the commission’s Conservation Incentive Program for national cultural treasures;
- Official heritage marker placed by the cultural agency concerned indicating that the immovable cultural property has been identified as a national cultural treasure and/or national historical landmark, site, or monument.
Source: NCCA
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