Plastic products that should be banned in the Philippines

Plastic products that should be banned in the Philippines: Stirrers, Straws, Sachets, Cups, Cutlery, Bottles, Styrofoam/Polystyrene Containers, Thin Take-out Containers, Labo Bags, Bags. Oxo-degradable plastic bags, plastic plates, and multi-layered plastics should also be banned. You may want to read: Philippine Cities with plastic bans Lakub

Eufemio T. Rasco, Jr.

Happiest birthday to the National Academy of Science and Technology Agriculture Sciences Division Chair, Academician Eufemio T. Rasco, Jr.! He was born on February 3, 1950. Acd. Rasco is recognized for his pioneering and outstanding contributions in the field of plant breeding, specifically tropical vegetables, and tropical white potato breeding. As a team leader, he … Read more


Banak (Mullet) Banak is an adaptable fish. Banak or Mullets belong to the family Mugilidae which occur in the tropical waters in all the major oceans. They can adapt to both salt and freshwaters. They prefer to stay in brackish waters close to mangroves and estuaries where the freshwater river meets with salty coastal waters. … Read more

What do wetlands do?

What do wetlands do? 1. Storage and clean water – Wetlands hold and provide most of our fresh water. They naturally filter pollutants, leaving water we can drink safely. 2. Keep us fed – Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector, while inland fisheries alone provided 12 million tonnes of fish in 2018. 3. Underpin … Read more

Province of Zambales Population

  Province of Zambales Population Estimates: POPCOM estimates the population of Zambales will reach 912,448 by end of 2021. 2021: 912,448 2020: 900,392   Growth Rate 2021: 1.34% 2020: 1.43%   Working Population 15-64 years old: 594,276 Male: 304,243 Female: 290,030   Dependent Population: 0-14 and 65 years old above: 318,172   Adolescents 2021: 168,513 … Read more