Every May 14-15 in the Bulacan town of Pulilan which borders Pampanga, there is a special event that honors these hardworking farm friends who are considered the unofficial national animal of the Philippines!
DAMÚLAG • (duh-MOO-luhg)
carabao, water buffalo
Tagálog (Filipino): kalabáw
Kneeling Carabao Festival
Pulilan, Bulacan
This is a two-day festival that honors the hardworking carabao or water buffalo held every May 14-15 during the feast day of Saint Isidore the Farm Laborer.
Kneeling Carabao Festival in Pulilan, Bulacan
from https://www.google.com.ph/amp/s/365greatpinoystuff.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/341-pulilan-carabao-festival/amp/