On this day, January 25, is the birthday of National Artist Pablo S Antonio (1902, and the death day of National Artist Antonio R Buenaventura (1996).
The official calendar of the Republic of the Philippines: an almanac of Philippine commemorations enlivened with illustrations and information. –Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, [2014].
On this day in 1533, Henry VIII married his second wife Anne Boleyn. Because of this marriage, Henry VIII had to break away from the Catholic church and establish the Church of England. Anne Boleyn was the mother of Elizabeth I.
On this day in 1798, Benjamin Thompson presented his research to the Royal Society entitled “Enquiry concerning the Source of Heat which is excited by Friction” stating that “heat” is a “form of motion” and not a “fluid.”
January is Zero Waste Month (Proclamation No. 760, s. 2014)