Did you know that one of the Kapampángan words for “good” is related to “health” or “wellness”?
MÁYAP • (MAH-yuhp)
good, well, nice (intrinsically/morally)
Root: áyap
Contraction: máp
Tagálog (Filipino): mabúti (good, not bad/evil), magandá (“beautiful”, used for greetings)
Noun Form
KÁYAP • (KAH-yuhp)
(1) goodness (physical and moral)
(2) wellness, health; (to) heal
Root: áyap
Contraction: káp
Tagálog (Filipino): (1) kabutíhan (“goodness”, root: búti “good”), (2) hílom “heal”
Derived Words:
KÁYAPAN • (KAH-yuh-puhn)
goodness (moral)
Tagálog (Filipino): kabutíhan
Verb Conjugation
kumáyap, kákáyap, kínáyap – to heal, get better, recover (Actor Focus)
Example Sentences
Máyap yang táwu. [Kap]
Mabúti siyang táo. [Tag]
S/he is a good person. [Eng]
Máyap a (y)aldó kékó ngan! [Kap]
Magandáng áraw sa inyóng lahát! [Tag]
Good day to all of you! [Eng]
Máp/Káp ná mû(…)! [Kap]
Mabúti/Búti na lang(…)! [Tag]
Oh thank God! / Oh how good it is (that…)! [Eng]
Kumáyap lá mú rin ding sugat mu. [Kap]
Maghíhílom din ang mgá súgat mo. [Tag]
Your wounds will heal eventually. [Eng]
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