Ride rules for Jeepneys to avoid covid-19

  Follow the ride rules for Jeepneys to avoid-COVID-19 GCQ Physical Distancing in Public Transport Vehicles (Jeepneys) Maximum passenger capacity: 50% or half the capacity of the jeep except for the driver and conductor; Standing on the step or back bumper is not allowed; A passenger can only sit in the front seat if there … Read more

Ride rules for tricycle to avoid covid-19

  Follow the ride rules for tricycle to avoid-COVID-19 GCQ Physical Distancing in Public Transport Vehicles (tricycle) Only one passenger can sit in the side-car Sitting behind the driver is not allowed There is a non-permeable transparent barrier between the driver and the passenger. Source: Philippine Department of transportation @DOTrPH You may want to read: … Read more

Ride rules for taxi to avoid covid-19

  Follow the ride rules for taxi to avoid-COVID-19 GCQ Physical Distancing in Public Transport Vehicles (Taxi) Up to two (2) passengers per row Up to only one (1)passenger next to the driver There is a non-permeable transparent barrier between the driver and passengers. Source: Philippine Department of transportation @DOTrPH You may want to read: … Read more

NAST Executive Council

Are you familiar with the NAST Executive Council? NAST EC consists of Members that direct the affairs of the Academy and are appointed by the President of the Philippines. The NAST or National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) is the country’s highest recognition and advisory body on science and technology. New NAST … Read more

Difference of Modified ECQ/GCQ

Difference of Modified ECQ/GCQ Modified ECQ, Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) Limited movement within zone for obtaining essential services and work Operation of selected manufacturing and processing plants to maximum of 50% workforce Limited transporting services for essential goods and services Suspension of physical classes Enhanced Community Quarantine No movement regardless of age and health status. … Read more