What To Do If You Become A Victim of Laglag Bala?

  I stumbled upon this infographic on facebook on what to do in case you will become a victim of laglag bala in NAIA or other Philippine airports.   What To Do If A Bullet Is Found Inside Your Bag?   Stay Calm Firmly deny prior knowledge of the bullet.   Do Not Open Your … Read more

Laglag Bala Rampant In Ninoy Aquino International Airport

  Laglag Bala is a modus operandi of a suspected criminal syndicate operating inside the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.   A Bullet or Cartridge is put by an unknown person into a passengers bag or luggage.   Once caught by the airport police or airport personnel, money is then allegedly demanded from the victim.   … Read more

Fire In Zamboanga City Killed 15

A Fire in Zamboanga caused the death of 15 persons. The Fire started at around 3:00 AM. The Bureau of Fire Protection personnel had a hard time going to the public market to extinguish the fire because the street going to the market is too narrow. After the fire is extinguished, 15 burned bodies were found. … Read more

How Much Do You Know Senator Grace Poe?

Senator Grace Poe is now officially a declared candidate for the position of President of the Republic of the Philippines.   How well do you know her? Personal Details Sen Grace Poe’s full name is Mary Grace Sonora Poe Llamanzares.   She was born on September 3, 1968 in front of the Jaro Church in … Read more